... Seamanship and Navigation
Have you'been on the water a few times and seen the channel markers but not fully understood their placement? Are you lost without your GPS or want to know how it can serve you better. Try one of our piloting or navigation courses.
Are you limited on time? Many of our classes run once a week in the evenings for 4 to 8 weeks. However, we offer a full line of seminars that only take a few hours. Popular seminars include Using GPS, How to Read a Chart, Anchoring, and Using VHF radio with DSC.
If you are new to boating and have not taken safety classes, we recommend taking a scheduled entry level class or seminar to aquaint you with our organization and with boating safety guidelines.
We Teach Boating Safety ...
America's Boating Course Do you meet the state requirements to boat in Maryland, District of Columbia or Virginia? Have you tried online courses and found them frustrating? Try our instructor led Boat Maryland course, good for all three jurisdictions and most other states.
Are you considering buying a boat, but want to learn a little more about boating? Our average instructor has 20 years of boating experience. Join a class and even if your question isn´t directly covered in the material, our folks will ALWAYS have time to talk more with you about boats. Try our Seamanship course to start.
Do you have a boat and need to know a little more about maintaining it? Try one of our elective courses like Marine Electrical Systems or Engine Mainenance.
The complete list of Rockville Sail and Power Squadron courses is available here. Classes are instructor led and scheduled in the evenings or on weekends. Our instructors are volunteers who love boating with a wide range of experience sailing and cruising the Chesapeake and coastal waters. You may find that you get more out of talking with the instructors after class and mixing with other boaters than the class material could ever teach. Not all classes are offered at all times. Some are scheduled to meet student needs.